
Sonali Insurance Agency Inc.

About us

Company Name: Sonali Insurance Agency Inc.

Type of Company:  All kinds of Insurance

Biz Function:  Insurance Brokerage

Founder: Shakawat Ali

Corp Address: 3369 E. Tremont Ave, Bronx NY 10461

Skyple: Sonaliinsurance (TBD)

Company Hotline: 347-647-2020

Company email: support@sonaliinsurance.com

Market Coverage: New York, New Jersey & Connecticut (NY, NJ & CT)

Motto: “Protect Assets to Preserve Wealth for Your Future Generations.”

Shakawat Ali, MPA, SFR, CPRES

President/ CEO

Licensed Life &Health (NY), P&C Broker (NY, NJ & CT)

Sonali Insurance Agency Inc.

3369 E Tremont Ave, Bronx NY 10461

(347) 647-2020; C:(917) 402-4278

Fax: (877) 375-0021

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